We are frequently asked why we don’t attend events and shows and there are a few good reasons - really, really good reasons.
When clients attend a fitting at the studio they have our undivided attention for at least an hour. Most clients arrive thinking they have the perfect boot planned, having fallen down the rabbit hole of our instagram page and website, held extensive discussions with friends and family and called summits at their yard to help them lock down ‘the’ design. Only to walk into the studio and start over when they see all the boots on display, along with at least 125 colour swatches, which will then be mixed and matched with vigour before understanding the true meaning of ‘bespoke’ and ‘no two boots are quite identical’.
Having said that, the most important element of any fitting, is the fitting. The measurements are the most vital part, the cog in our wheel of design, and if those are not 100% accurate then our reputation for the #perfectfit would not exist for very long. In the studio, clients are calmly excited and stress-free. On a showground or indoor event, clients are not always in breeches, have usually been rushing around between ‘showtime’ (to fit in the shopping), and as a result are usually a little tired, sweaty and harassed and probably puffy (from the heat) or chilled (from the ice cold wind and rain) – none of which are helpful when measuring legs. They will then stand on grass (possibly mud), have reasonably accurate measurements taken and probably not enjoyed the experience very much.
On the other hand, clients love our studio experience, poring over the boots and samples, snapping and snap-chatting designs for approval, deciding and then un-deciding (within minutes), before finally settling on the one! The one that they want right there and then, the one they will dream about until they arrive (and talk about just as much), knowing they will most definitely be the #perfectfit and everything will tick our box of perfectness - every time!
Trying to replicate this alone, at a show with a stand teeming with riders, would mean that no single client would truly receive our full attention (disaster), personal service (possibly not vital admittedly) and design knowledge (mandatory) – we just would not be happy knowing that that something might not be perfect and we are all about Perfection. Our boots are quite the investment (we totally understand that), and are grateful you have put your trust in us so we need to ensure we have what we need, to do just that.
We want our company to be measured on the entire experience, from that first thought and viewing our instagram page to skipping out the of the studio door (literally in some cases), boot bag in hand, desperate for the rain to stop to test drive the #superboots for the first time. From the endless emails saying their boots are 'amazeballs' to the proud ‘first time owner’ pictures on facebook (we smile at them all!), we don’t want to change this experience but we want to enhance it - every time. We are all about fabulous product and a fabulous service and, for now at least, we are just not convinced we can do that in a muddy field somewhere in England.
We will supply boots worldwide with the exceptions of a handful of countries with a reseller (or logistical restrictions). These resellers can contractually ‘only’ sell within their country - with the only exception being if you physically visit them. If you do visit them your contract of sale is with them and as such any pre-purchase or after sales issues should be directly with them only. Please note import taxes and duties will be due on these purchases.
ZOOM with us!
We offer a comprehensive zoom service where our experienced team will guide you expertly through designing your perfect boots to measuring! This will often require more than one zoom if you do want us to oversee the measuring. There is no limit to the number of zooms you can book so this process will take as long as it takes.
Note: when booking select YOUR time zone before selecting an appointment.
We will have to hand all of our sample boots, the leather collection, examples of the hardware and the zillion options available to you. Most clients are overwhelmed when they visit the studio when they see all the options - so during the zoom you will also get to see and hear about just as much, so don’t be surprised if you do need more than one zoom.
Measuring remotely
Before a zoom measuring session we like you to have prepared a full set of measurements as this will assist hugely when we come to work together online. It’s the perfect starting point and often means we can do the checking at the same time as we’ve had time to scrutinise your measurements in advance. It is worth noting you will need a ‘helper’ during any zoom where we need to take measurements or do any checking - you must never measure yourself (rule number 1).
Our measuring guide is so accurate that it’s incredibly rare that someone can would get it completely wrong. We supply photographs - rather than a video, which we feel is actually far more accurate. Follow the steps, take note of the guidance for each measurement and voila !
When we receive your measurements we will then scrutinise them (so thoroughly) and send our check list (with any queries) regardless of whether we completed them together online or not. Ultimately we don’t have our hands on the tape measure so a final, double check will always be advised.
We pride ourselves in providing such a thorough service and satisfied that we can offer just as an exceptional service by zoom as we do in the studio. The only time you will get these measurements wrong is if you have not used the tape measure from zero or followed the guidance.
We are a super small custom brand and we are known for our exceptional service, quality and fit (for each and every pair you purchase from us) and this is due to our passion, our artisans creating your boots and our due diligence and this is the very reason we will not have reps representing us in the USA, Canada or the UAE. We want to be able to control the quality of the service you receive as well as the fit and quality of your super boots, which we truly hope you can understand.
For more information on the zoom consultations click here https://celerisuk.com/blogs/blog/zoom-with-us
So whether you join us in the studio or by ZOOM you can be assured of our undivided attention and our passion to provide you with the most incredible handmade custom riding boots.